Monday, December 12, 2005

exams. aargh.

what do you do when the exam is right around the corner, and you are right on it, unprepared?


mahnoor said...

sleep. excessively.

that's what i'm doing anyway. :P

Jupiter said...

me prefers sleep too!
All the way!!
i have two papers in one dats me!!

Anonymous said...

you sit on the pot and pray :)

bluecheese said...

lol disco!

Ok, I present some more (less entertaining and constructive alternatives):
- bake a cake
- read 70s issues of the readers digest
- play with your cat
- pick your nose
- dig up old cassettes and put your old cassette player to good use
- do some spring cleaning
- stare at the wall
- get old clothes restitched
- sleep 12 hours a day and take frequent naps
- OD on your favorite television series on dvd...

Anonymous said...

read a page and then spend the rest of the day on an im-so-parhakoo high :D

tha gorpmeister hath spoken! ;) such a pretty skinnnn

3rd avenue said...

mahnoor: right on target
naxuk: join the club ;)
disco: i shall do just that, time for wodhu. oh wait, on the pot. errr, how will this work out? :P
bluecheese: 70's issues of RD sounds great.
*off to the library, picking my nose*
mina: i love gorpy