Thursday, December 01, 2005

age. an illusion.

age is an illusion, dont you think?
people can be 35 and act 15, or be 15 and act 35.


Anonymous said...

hahaha bari deep thinking horahi hai

mahnoor said...

right on target, moo.


bluecheese said...

i act 15 allll the time :D

The Surreptitious Fabric said...

I hated being 15.

psyched said...

u got that right! that's coming from a living proof - urs truly:)

wish u cud meet me:)

Anonymous said...

heh champion.

saheeen baaat kardeee

oh and about being tagged, thankyou :) but love ive already been tagged.. par agar masla hain ill do it again for you hhehe

Jupiter said...

i do that all the time!!

floots said...

don't forget the teenage fifty seven year olds on skye!

Talha Masood said...

I hope you always remain a kid by heart and an 80 years old in wisdom!!!